Install pgVis

It's recommended to install pgVis as a PostgreSQL extension. However manual SQL scripts are also provided for the times where you can't instal and extension.

The pgVis extension is a simple set of PostgreSQL stored functions, is considered trusted and safe for installation and use by non-superusers.

Extension Installation

The pgVis extension is pur SQL and doesn't require any compilation or shared libaries to be installed before it can be used. A Makefile is provided which makes use of pg_config and PGXS to install into the PostgreSQL extensions directory. If you don't have pg_config on your server you can easily copy the extension files into your PostgreSQL servers extensions directory.

Download pgVis Extension

# Download and extract pgvis extension
curl > pgVis.tar.gz
tar -xzvf pgVis.tar.gz
cd ./pgVis/extension
# Need to be root to install
# If you have pg_confg
make install
# Or manually (paths maybe different on your server)
cp *.sql *.control /usr/share/postgresql15/extension/

Once you've installed the pgVis extension files into your PostgreSQL servers extensions directory. You can install the extension into your database with the following command:


Extension Upgrade

To upgrade pgVis, simply install the latest extension files and use ALTER EXTENSION :


Manual Schema Installation

You can manually install pgVis by executing the provided installation SQL script. This will install pgVis into it's default schema of vis in a single transaction.

Download Latest Install Script

If you trust me and feel lucky, you can just do:

curl | psql

Manual Schema Upgrade

You can manually update pgVis to the latest version by executing the provided upgrade script, in general this will upgrade from any previous version to the latest.

Download Latest Upgrade Script

If you trust me and feel lucky, you can just do:

curl | psql

Where Next

Maybe take a look at: